Sygrda Progress Report

Sygrda Progress so far

3647 words 36.47% completed!

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My husband and I have worked on Erda for our entire lives. It was born in the 1980s when my husband began table top gaming. I joined him later, and we combined our imaginations, and continued creating together. We use every tool at our disposal that we believe is ethical to share these ideas and creations.   I do a lot of random writing. I often use spell checkers and grammar editing tools as well as AI to edit my writing. I still do not always get it right. If you read an article of mine and like it, I will find an article you have written to like as well.   I draw and sketch a lot. I also use some generative AI as ethically as I can. When I do I attribute art as that being what has assisted in its creation.    If you leave a comment, I will find the time to read something of yours and think it through and leave a meaningful comment.   If there is anything you would like to know, feel free to find me in Discord. I drop in regularly.

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