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The Archive of Sphera is the greatest collection of knowlege of the world, dedicated to preserve the history of the peoples.
An overview over the eras of Sphera
The Archivists of Sphera are the operators of the Archive of Sphera.
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When one of the gods interferes in the life of a mortal, that mortal becomes known as a gods-touched.
Prismarine is one of the world's rarest stones, being found only in the depths of the ocean, far away from land and civilization. For those that are water dwellers, these stones are seen as Caspian's divine touch, something that they will protect.
In the homes of those with the money to burn or the power to wrest treasures from others, there is another option for light--lumynarea
Corethe, and most of the Ellyndar States, uses the calendar of the River Kingdoms that has been modified since Ellyn people fled centuries ago.