SC2020 – Kligrovar, secretary of the Black Hand / The Spider
Uriah Zivan, cloud giant eunuch high priest
Cyran "Sweet-Tooth" Valentine
The Goblin Priest of Goz Tik'as
Anastasia Tomas (nee Slatten)
Sir Bekezela Shange, Captain of the Dusk Patrol
Wymon Rawkin, a mere street-sweep?
Zaros Calaro The Maestro of Riddles
The King of the Animals [WASC2020]
UnAssumingCharacter MerchantGuildAntiBacker
Venga Wetere: Harmony Hunters' Logistics Coordinator
Dereck Thalend, the Child of Chaos
Siglinde von und zu Schönigenteich-Güldenbergen