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Sat Sep 21st - Tue Oct 1st

Premier Politicians

Politicians have the power to make or break nations and the people who they lead. We want to hear about the most beneficial politician in your world and what they accomplished!
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries!


"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

  Politicians, whether they have been in power or not, can have immense effects on the course of a history. They can rouse a people to fight, or they can sooth nations to peace. They can break down social norms, bringing about needed change in an ever evolving world.   We will focus on politicians who have served as benefactors in this challenge. Abraham Lincoln, John Curtin, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela are all among politicians who have withstood and persevered over tumultuous scenarios and made their people stronger in the end. Tell us the tale of a Politician who brought about great change in your world!  

Standard League Winner
Jaime Buckley

Premier League Winner
Matthieu A.


All participants will receive the participation badge. The winner will receive an extra shiny badge, have their article featured, and will be shouted out on the weekly World Anvil update stream and on the official World Anvil social media accounts.

The Countdown

This Countdown Clock is set to when the Challenge will end!

The Brief

We at World Anvil want to hear the story of a politician in your world! Regale us with their exploits!   Using the Character template, we want to learn about the life of your politician. Break down their life into who it shaped them and how they shaped the world around them.   This politician can still be alive, or they can be dead. They may be remembered or forgotten. These politicians can be in power, or they can be fighting against the powers that be. They can rule in times of peace, or stand firm in the tides of war. The only caveat is that we want this politician to be known for good deeds, no tyrants for the Premier Politicians Challenge.   There are many things to cover: How did they get into politics? How did they break the mold of society? What trials did they face? How has their legacy held over time? Be thorough with this one!   Make sure to provide quotes from the politician! Capture their personality!

What to cover

The Rise

A politician can rise to the front for many reasons. Why did your politician enter their position? Did they come from a family born into politics? Did they rise from the common folk to combat a problem? Were they inadvertently forced into the position?  

The Tribulations

Describe some of the most defining moments from the politicians service. Did they fight against a tyrannical government? Did they lead a nation through a brutal conflict? Did they provide a platform to bring a troubled people together in peace?  

The Legacy

What sort of lessons and stories do the people share of this politician? Are they remembered fondly for their efforts? Have people stretched the truth about them? Has their policies held up over time or have they been changed with changing times?

The Rules

How to Enter

Firstly, all competitors will need a World Anvil account (don’t worry, it’s free!) to get started. Once you’ve logged in and created your first world, you’re ready to enter the competition.   Write your entry using the Character template on World Anvil. Once you have finished your entry and are ready to submit it, make sure that your article is not a draft and then click on the button on the right hand side to submit it to the challenge.  

Adjudication Criteria and Process

A shortlist of the top twenty entries (as organised by community likes and ten from each league) will be compiled by the Master of Games. The master of games will choose the winner. The winner will be announced by the World Anvil Team on the following weekly update stream.   Entries will be judged on a number of criteria, including originality, presentation, and thoroughness.  

Other Rules

  • Articles for Submission must use the Character Template
  • You do not have to use all fields of the Character Template
  • Articles must be submitted before the closing time, else they will not be judged
  • Articles will be taken from a shortlist of likes, the top ten from each league will be judged by the Master of Games.
  • Articles can be no longer than 2000 words in length!
  • You will be able to submit your article only if it is public!
  • Only one article may be submitted per author, this does not mean one article per world. Think of the Coauthors!
  • Articles will have a three day period after the deadline to make small edits, share, and get feedback from the community. This period will end when the shortlist is compiled. The purpose of this deadline is to let people focus on writing and sharing separately.

Social media sharing

Because community likes are an important part of the competition, competitors may wish to share their entries on social media to garner more interest from the community. Entries which are tagged with #PremierPolitician and mention @WorldAnvil might get shared by World Anvil social media!  


There are two leagues that will be independently judged. The Regular and the Premier League. The Premier League consists of all the authors who have previously won a competition.   Winning a competition in the regular league will promote you to the Premier League for future challenges.  


For September's Competition, it will be open on the 21st of September at 2100 BST and closed on the October 1st at 23:59 BST. The Shortlist will be compiled on the 4th of October!

The Countdown

This Countdown Clock is set to when the Challenge will end!

Challenge entries