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Tue Nov 1st - Wed Nov 30th

Mapvember 2022

Explore the geography of your world by answering 30 prompts with a map!
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries
  Mapvember is a challenge that runs every November, and although it's based on mapmaking, we welcome ALL sorts of worldbuilders and artists! Whether you're mapping for a novel, an RPG, or something else, you'll find a place for you in Mapvember. And if you're just expanding your world or drawing some art, you can participate too if you use the prompts!   Below you can find 30 prompts to inspire your maps. For each prompt, create a map or a piece of worldbuilding that fits the theme! If you complete at least 7 prompts, you'll get a shiny badge for your profile.  

  Here are the same prompts in text form:  
1. Crater
2. Cavern
3. Crypt
4. Gauntlet
5. Shield
6. Anchor
7. Sea
8. Island
9. Palace
10. Cemetery
11. Dragon
12. Ruins
13. Maw
14. Maze
15. Pool
16. Nebula
17. Dock
18. Mine
19. Crystal
20. Egg
21. Abomination
22. Corrupted
23. Undead
24. Abandoned
25. Demon
26. Sand
27. Haven
28. Spice
29. Harvest
30. Garden

How to Enter

For each prompt, you need to submit a map, a piece of art, or some worldbuilding that relates to the prompt's word. While the focus of the challenge is maps, you're welcome to enter with any sort of worldbuilding!   If you answer at least 7 prompts, you'll get the badge!  

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Make sure you have a World Anvil account.
  2. Choose a prompt and answer it using your preferred method!
  3. Put all prompt answers into a single article using the generic article template. If you're participating as a mapmaker, you can embed the maps directly to the article using the copy button in the map list and pasting it in the article. Otherwise, link to your articles or embed your art as images.
  4. Make sure the generic article is not a draft (i.e. published) and public (i.e. not private).
  5. Submit the generic article before December 1st! To do so, click the "Submit" button in the right sidebar.

Other Information

  • Even if you participate with writing, there is no minimum or maximum wordcount.
  • You can answer multiple prompts with a single submission as long as the different prompts are clearly represented in it.
  • The generic article must be submitted before the closing time to be eligible.
  • Only one article may be submitted per person (this does not mean one article per world, in cases where multiple authors work on a single world).
  • As always, World Anvil claims no ownership over your original work.
For any further questions or clarifications about this challenge, message the Community Team (@Community Team) on the World Anvil Discord or post to the World Anvil Facebook Group!

Social Media Sharing

If you share your answers on social media, make sure to use the #mapvember2022 hashtag and mention @WorldAnvil so we can see them!  
Looking for inspiration or seeking some ideas? Make sure to stop by the World Anvil Discord, our Facebook Group or Subreddit for worldbuilding conversation and inspiration!

Challenge entries