I charge a base amount depending on the kind of editing you would like done, then charge per word based on the length of the document. Kind of Editing: $3 for proofreading; $5 for development editing; $8 for line editing. Rates for Length: 0.015¢ per word (or $15 per 1000 words) for works around 2.5k words; 0.012¢ per word ($12 per 1000 words) for works around 10k words. 0.008¢ per word ($8 per 1000 words) for works greater than 10k.
$7 per small battlemap or a battlemap with a single room/floor/area; $15 per large battlemaps or battlemaps with multifloored; $35 for Regional maps or Village/Town/City maps; $70 per World Maps. A pack of any of these maps are their prices added and discounted 35%.