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Immortalia 1.0E Class Sheet

Test Class

Advanced class, promotes to Thief

Equippable Weapons


Stat Modifiers

Stat Modifier Info

HP modifiers are colored based on the following ranges:

  • 0-5
  • 6-11
  • 12-15

The remaining stat modifiers are colored based on the following ranges:

  • 0-3
  • 4-7
  • 8-10

Stat modifiers are added directly to a character's stats when they gain the class. If a character reclasses to a different class in the same tier, the stat modifiers of that class are used instead.

Side classes: over classes do not contribute their modifiers to a character (exclusively over classes will have 0 for all their modifiers), instead they contribute special skills and buffs to certain stat caps. Sub classes do contribute their modifiers along with their class skills.

Health 12
Strength 5
Magic 1
Skill 2
Speed 3
Avoid 4
Luck 6
Defense 7
Resistance 8
Fortitude 9
Constitution 10
Movement 1

Stat Growths

Stat Growth Info

Stat growths are colored based on the following ranges:

  • 0%-4%
  • 5%-9%
  • 10%-14%
  • 15%-19%
  • 20%-24%
  • 25%

Stat growths represent the chance that a stat will increase upon a character leveling up. Class growths are added to a character's Race growths and Individual growths. If a stat has a growth greater than 100%, it is guaranteed to increase by one and has a chance of increasing by two upon level up.

While Class growths can be high for more advanced classes, Class growths tend to impact stat distributions the least when compared to Race or Individual growths.

Side classes: neither over classes or sub classes contribute to a character's total stat growths. Over classes contribute special skills and buffs to certain stat caps. Sub classes contribute their class skills and stat modifiers. Unless otherwise noted, a character may only have one side class.

Health 10%
Strength 10%
Magic 6%
Skill 13%
Speed 22%
Avoid 25%
Luck 12%
Defense 7%
Resistance 0%
Fortitude 1%

Maximum Stats

Maximum Stat Info

Most stat maximums are tied to a character's class and potential over class. For the stats that aren't, health is dependent on the character, constitution is dependent on the character's species, and movement is dependent on both the character's species and the character themselves.

Most low tier classes will tend to have stat caps around 20, advanced classes around 30-40, and prestige classes around 40-50.

A character's quirks will have a permanent effect on their potential stat caps (both positive and negative).

Various items, skills, and magics may confer temporary or permanent boosts to a character's stat caps. An Arcanum will always permanently boost one or more of a character's stat caps. A character may only ever use one Arcanum.


Class Skills

Astra Luna Sol Nihil Vantage

Created by


Statblock Type

Immortalia Class
