Vrok Heritages

Skull Tribe Vrok You are unafraid of the dawning sun. You strike anywhere at anytime. Your skin is dark grey or black. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet, and reduce the number of free hands required to Shove or Trip by one.   Blood Tribe Vrok You stand at the centre - the very heart - of the Golan armies, and you have no fear. You certainly don't fear death. Your skin is a light grey and your tusks are larger than most Vroks. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Will saves to resist Frightened effects, and when you become Frightened, you reduce the value by 1.   Bone Tribe Vrok You sweep through the night, reminding the weak why they should fear the dark. Which, in Gothica, the Land where the Sun doesn't rise, is every hour or every day. Your skin is bone white. You gain Darkvision and have a +2 circumstance bonus to attack checks in Dim Light or Darkness.   Fang Tribe Vrok You keep and maintain the black lore of the Vroks. Some of your kind are like the mad doctors of the Golan armies. Your skin is bright green. You gain the Poisons Lore Skill, and have a +2 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to craft alchemical poisons.   Iron Tribe Vrok You settle in for prolonged sieges. You are the main tribes used in Gola sieges upon the fleshies. However long it takes, you don't care. You can go hours without sleep, far longer than others. Your skin is silver. You can go up to 48 hours without rest before you become fatigued, and you can rest only 2 hours (instead of 6 to 8) to get the advantage of a full rest and recover from fatigue.   War Tribe Vrok You descend from a line of terrifying battlefield commanders. You become Trained in Intimidation, and you gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat.   Deep Vrok Your calloused hands and red eyes speak to a life spent in the Deep. You descend from a tribe of Vroks who long ago, in order to escape the tyranny of your Gola masters, escaped into the dark abyss of the Deep. There, your people learned to battle on rocky cliffs and survive with minimal resource. You gain the Terrain Expertise skill feat for underground terrain, and the Combat Climber skill feat.   Grave Vrok You were exposed to large amounts of Black Mystia, amounts that should have killed you - but you survived. Your skin is cold, clammy, and gray. You gain resistance to shadow damage equal to half your level (minimum 1). You also gain +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against necromancy effects.   Winter Tribe Vrok You descend from a tribe of Vroks once sent to the arctic poles by the Gola masters in a sort of scientific experiment to see how fleshies adapt to extreme cold. You become trained in Survival, and you treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).


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