
Lord of Nightmares

Lord of Nightmares

The Lord of the Nightmare Realms, and in constant conflict with Yain, the Lord of the Dreamscape, in the constant duality of Nightmares and Dreams. It is said that both Sorn and Yain were created by Debrial, but scholars recognize both as mythical and legendary Mystimon.   Normally, the Nightmare Realms and Dreamscape are separated from the Material Plane by another plane, called the Awakening. But it is thought that this separation isn't entirely working as intended, as Nightmare and Dream Mystimon have, more and more, been finding their way into the Material Plane, as well as a recent rash of entire villages falling into a deep sleep never to awaken. Several years ago, the The Tribunal visited such a village and were themselves pulled into the Awakening. Scholars who have investigated such incidents believe that something is eroding away at the Awakening. If that is indeed what is happening, the veil between what is real and what is dreams or nightmares will cease to exist. But they have no explanation for what could be causing it.   Sorn revels in torture and chaos, as his title of Lord of Nightmares implies. He is described in myth and legend as being a large muscular creature with blue and red fur and huge bull-like horns. He is said to have a very short temper and anger easily, and when he does he destroys more and more of his own realms, creating the chaotic despair that is the Nightmare Realms. But he apparently does have a soft side, as there is one thing he will never abide, and that is any harm coming to any child. If such a thing happens, he unleashes his anger upon the perpetrator and makes them regret it.

Divine Domains

Lord of Nightmares, Chaos, and Torture.
Edicts Create destruction when angered, instill fear in others, lead others to the Deep Sleep
  Anathema Offer anyone 'sweet dreams', harm a child, spread hope
  Follower Alignments Spirit, Darkness, Wind

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability: Strength or Constitution  
Divine Font: Harm
Divine Skill: Athletics
Favoured Weapon: spear
Domains: Nightmares, Darkness, Destruction
Cleric Spells: 1st: ill omen; 3rd Level: nightmare chains; 6th Level: Daemon Form; 9th Level: Massacre 


Boons & Curses

Minor Boon
  Moderate Boon
  Major Boon
  Minor Curse
  Moderate Curse
  Major Curse
Divine Classification
Guardian Mystimon
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Nightmares
Current Residence
Nightmare Realms
Dark Blue
Black and red buzzcut hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue and red fur, Dark blue muscular chest.
700 lbs


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