Sea Fey Heritages

Deep Sea Fey You emerge from the darkest, deepest depths of the ocean with an alien appearance, far different than that of other Sea Fey, even horrific. When you make an Intimidation check to Demoralize, treat a success as a critical success. You are light-sensitive, and when you enter brightly lit areas, you must make a Fortitude save or become Blinded.   Elegant Sea Fey While most Sea Fey are known for their graceful and comely appearance, you are even more alluring than most, and are known to even entrance sea-farers with your enchanting beauty. Your piscine features resemble decorative and tropical fish, such as koi or butterfly fish, and your vibrant colouration and long, flowing fins are reminiscent of fine gowns and robes, even when you wear far more ordinary clothing. When you make a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus and may decline the standard result to make the target creature Fascinated instead.   Razortooth Sea Fey Your kind are carnivorous and ravenous, and known for being fearsome hunters of the seas, with a sharp nose for blood. You are like a shark, but sentient and with arms and maybe legs. You gain a Jaws natural attack, dealing 1d8 piercing damage. You gain Scent (imprecise) and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track.   Storm Sea Fey You are like an electric eel with a natural ability to generate electricity. You gain Electrical Resistance equal to half your level (rounded up) and gain Tremorsense. You also gain an action:  
-> Electrical Discharge [2]
You discharge electricity in a 20 foot line, inflicting 1d6+ your Dex Modifier Electrical Damage. Creatures in the path make Reflex saves.
Critical Failure: The creature is also stunned.

Sword Sea Fey You and your kind have a long blade-like horn and a natural knack for fencing. You take great pride in dueling and work hard to be able to even hold your own against land-walkers. Your kind have always stood guard in the Sea Spires that dart the Ocean Kingdoms, though the Sea Spires' true purpose has only been known to your ancestors and passed down by word of mouth by your elders for generations. You gain a Horn natural attack, dealing 1d8 slashing damage, and a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks for Initiative.   Tentacle Sea Fey Rather than legs or even a fish tail like other Sea Fey, you have a mass of tentacles below the waist, which you use as extra hands and to ensnare foes. You are considered to have multiple hands. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to Grapple, and reduce the number of free hands required to Grapple by one.   Vagabond Sea Fey You take after migratory fish like salmon and tuna. Your kind are nomads, traveling across the seas as a routine part of your lifestyle. You are accustomed to roaming long distances. You gain 2 additional HP from your Ancestry and gain Canny Acumen (Fortitude) as a bonus feat. Also when you Scout, the party instead gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Initiative.   Merelvan Sea Fey You are fey-like in appearance, with pointy ears and a natural elegance, except with fins and sometimes fish tails. You have grown up, not on land, but under the sea. For you, land-dwellers are but a legend from long past ancient times. Your kind have been at war with several other aquatic and deep-sea races. You have problems of your own, without worrying about the problems of the land-walkers. Instead of a nose, you have gills along the sides of your neck. Your skin is pale blue, sometimes scaly. You are in many ways better suited to the sea, but may have found to adapt to the land. But straying too far from the sea might be hazardous to your health. You have webbed hands (and feet if you have those), and fins on your head, back, and arms, thus you excel at swimming. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus with Diplomacy checks to Make an Impression, and gain an additional Lore skill of your choice. You also gain one additional language.   Arctic Sea Fey You derive from a nomad group of Merelvan which broke off generations ago and came to live in the arctic oceans around Arctica and Arcticus. Your kind have evolved over the generations to survive the frigid temperatures. Only, you have also evolved a taste for flesh. Stories abound of your people feasting upon the flesh of unwitting sailors or other such people who come into your territory. You have bluish-green skin, webbed hands and feet, and long flowing blue or grey hair. Your eyes range from blue to green to even black. You gain a clawed unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage. Your claws are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits. Furthermore, you gain cold resistance equal to half your level, minimum 1. You treat environmental cold effects as if they are one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).


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