
Saurus Heritages | Saurus Ancestry Feats

Another race native to Atlantea, mainly found round the swamplands of South East Atlantea, they have sworn themselves the enemies of all 'invaders' in their land and fight back, fiercely. They are covered in scales, possessing long tails and broad reptilian heads with wide set eyes and mouths. Their appearance varies drastically from one tribe to the next. When folk and fey first came to Atlantea in the middle of the Second Age, they found the Saurus tribes fiercely protective of their land, and from there a war erupted. Overtime, the explorers of the Allied Nations were able to push the Saurus tribes back into the deepest parts of the swamps and other parts of the continent.   Today, Sauruses don't tend to get along very well with other races, though some try. The humans who have colonised Atlantea still deal with Saurus attacks on their towns from time to time, though some tribes have signed a non-aggression treaty and have vowed to leave the humans alone as long as the humans leave them alone.   Despite their reptilian appearance, it's thought that Sauruses are actually descendants of the ancient, long extinct Mystimon species, Dinozaurs, which have been found to have had more bird characteristics than reptile. In fact, some Sauruses have feathers.

Basic Information



Genetics and Reproduction

Saurus females lay eggs.

Ecology and Habitats

A wide range of habitats all over the world.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Saurusian civilizations, mostly in Atlantea, live in large tribes, with a range of different castes, depending on their place in society.

Facial characteristics

Saurus have long, reptilian-like snouts, large beady eyes, and sometimes frills along the top of their head.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native to Atlantea.

Civilization and Culture


Saurusian ancient structures as well as ancient hieroglyphs have been found all over the world, most notably in the desert region of Almahna, where they are not natively from, at least according to scholars. Saurus claim that in their ancestral stories, Almahna is their ancestral homeland, but scholars don't buy it. Though a few have begun to take notice of the surprising number of ancient Saurusian structures in the region.   Now, structures are even being found in the Quatrica Islands, as well as Olympus. It may be impossible to tell just how far back their history goes, much less how much of the world have these structures.
Also Known As Lizardfolk
HP: 8
SZ: Med
Spd: 25ft
Boosts: Str, Wis, Free
Flaws: Int
Languages: Common, Saurusian, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Claws: Your sharp claws offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits.
Aquatic Adaptation: Your reptilian biology allows you to hold your breath for a long time. You gain the Breath Control general feat as a bonus feat.
Traits: Humanoid, Saurus, Common
Scientific Name
saurusian sapien
90 to 100 years
Average Height
4'5" to 6"
Average Weight
95 to 200 lbs
Average Length
Their tails are generally about 2" long, sometimes shorter.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Saurus have a wide range of different colourings, depending on their sub-race and geography.

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