
Sabertooth Heritages | Sabertooth Ancestry Feats

A cat-like species discovered early in the Second Age living deep in the woods of one of the more remote islands of the Quatrica Islands. They hunt with the stealth and ferocity of big cats, yet live with a culture much like our own, though they practice some religious ceremonies most of us would cringe at. Sabertooth are covered with fur, with a cat-like face, though they walk upon two feet, having the capacity to switch to running upon all fours at moment's notice. Many people have compared it to Cheetoron and its Evos through out the centuries, often mistaking one for the other, though they aren't at all related. The difference between them is that the Mystimon has fur of flames. In 2738 3A, after a massive storm caused by a battle between the Dragon Lords of Storm and Wind, Electrone and Galiclone respectively, the Sabertooth were forced out of their home by their savage neighbours, the Kongor. Many were killed in the exodus, as the Kongor marched across the island, seeking out Sabertooth tribes, many of which had gone into hiding, and slaughtered them.
The Sabertooth are also highly adept with magic, having mastered a form of Mystia Casting unique to their culture, known as Ukramba in their tongue, but known to the rest of the world as Martial Magecraft. It is a combat form in which they have learned to combine martial arts with magic, focusing their Mystia through ki points through out their body, which is a martial arts form mastered by the Monk Orders in Olympus, though they have never been able to focus their Mystia to such an extent. Some Sabertooth are able to even cast spells through this martial arts form.

Basic Information


Sabertooth are humanoid, but have fur covering their body, with a very cat-like face and long snout, and most breeds have a long tail.

Ecology and Habitats

Sabertooth have a very wide range of habitats they are adapted to. Some breeds are specially adapted to life in the mountains and the arctic regions. Others are highly adapted to life in the trees. While others are more at home in their tropical native home in the Quatrica Islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sabertooth are, for the most part, carnivores, though they will also eat other things like berries and fruits. They love fish and seafood the most.

Biological Cycle

Sabertooth undergo shedding during the warmer months of the year, where they shed their undercoat fur. This undercoat then starts to grow back in the colder months.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have a long, cat-like snout and whiskers, large round eyes, and large ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Their native cultural homeland is Parooma, the eastern most island of the Quatrica Islands. Sabertooth are highly adaptable though, and through out the ages have wandered out from Parooma, adapting to mountain regions in Highwind, the ice cold regions of Arctica and Arcticus, even the desert climate of Almahna. Now however, they've been forced out from their cultural homeland in Parooma by their savage neighbours, the Kongor.

Average Intelligence

Sabertooth are highly intelligent and have keen minds, with which they are able to come up with solutions to problems that even humans never thought of, in highly unique ways. They have even mastered a form of martial arts combined with Mystia Casting, using the ki points in the body that the Monk Orders of Olympus have known about for ages, though have never even thought to combine this with Mystia Casting.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have keen hearing and sense of smell, as well as specially adapted eyesight allowing them to see in the dark.
HP: 8
Size: Med
Speed: 30ft
Boosts: Dex, Cha, Free
Flaws: Wis
Language: Common, Saberin, Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive).
Claws: Your sharp claws offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits.
Traits: Humanoid, Catfolk, Common
Scientific Name
Saberin Catfolk
50 to 60 years.
Conservation Status
The Sabertooth were rescued by the Maji Guard and several volunteers from the Quatrica Islands, helping them to relocate to new homes across the world.
Average Height
5" to 5"8
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sabertooth come in a large variety of colours and tints and markings.

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