Psivarse, Dragon Lord of Souls
Psivarse protects the spirits of the dead on their way to the afterlife and seeks to free souls trapped within the undead and to help spirits to pass on to the next world. She is the timid twin sister of Psiclone, Dragon Lord of Mind, rarely ever seen. It is said by many that she will go invisible in order to avoid being seen.
Psiclone and Psivarse are actually much weaker than any of the other Dragon Lords on their own. Only together can they be as strong as the others. They each know this and will most of the time act as one. But that doesn't mean they don't bicker as siblings usually do.
Basic Information
A massive wyvern dragon devoid of spikes or spines unlike other Dragon Lords.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Psivarse will prey on mostly bugs, such as insects or arachnids.
Timid by nature, fairly reserved and shy. Psivarse will often hide away in deep dark caves and avoid the living.
Additional Information
Facial characteristics
A long narrow snout, but no teeth, and pale white eyes.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Psivarse is able to see spirits, and the souls of the living.
Civilization and Culture
Common Myths and Legends
As with all of the Dragon Lords, Psivarse is said to be an incarnation of nature itself and its wrath. Learn more The Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm .
Unknown, Psivarse along with all of the Dragon Lords is said to be an incarnation of the wrath of nature itself and so in theory never dies.
Conservation Status
As far as anyone knows, only one of each of the Dragon Lords exists.
Average Physique
A massive wyvern dragon
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pale off-white scales