Pixin Heritages

Drazie You are kin to fabled faerie dragons, traving your heritage back to the first Cataclysm, ages ago. You gain touch telepathy, allowing you to communicate silently and purely mentally with any creature you're touching, as long as you share a language.   Griv You have the hindquarters of a cricket and adore art and music. Your cricket legs grant you a +2 circumstance bonus on Athletics checks to High Jump or Long Jump, and you gain ghost sound as a primal innate cantrip.   Luminia You glow with magical luminance. You naturally shed light as a torch; this light has the evocation, light, and primal traits. You can extinguish, rekindle, or change the colour of this light using a single action, which has the concentrate trait.   Meliz You have the features of a bee, butterfly, or other insect that loves sweets. You can ask questions of and receive answers from arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals), as well as use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on and Request things of them. Most bees, butterflies, moths, and beetles have indifferent or friendly starting attitude toward you and give you time to make your case, though others react to you like any other adventurer.   Nykjera You have batlike features, an affinity for batkind (Batros are your best friends), and hearing that is second to none. As long as you can hear normally, you can use the Seek action to sense undetected creatures in a 60-foot cone. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus to locate undetected creatures that you could hear within 30 feet with a Seek action.   Pizie You are larger than other Pixins. Instead of Tiny, your size is Small.


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