Dragon Lord of Earth
The Dragon Lord of Earth, Gaias is a massive wyvern dragon with bright green scales and twig or branch-like spikes running down its back. Many will pray to Gaias for protection and healing. If someone is sick and magic and alchemy have failed to provide them aid, they might pray to Gaias for healing, and Gaias has been known to answer these prayers. It is said that everywhere Gaias flies, vegetations and trees will spontaneously grow to immense proportions.
Divine Domains
Nature, Healing, Change, Creation, Earth
Tenets of Faith
Edicts Heal the sick and wounded, Provide aid to those in need, Plant trees and water plants
Anathema Allow harm to come to nature, Deny healing to the sick and wounded
Devotee Benefits
Divine Attribute: ConDivine Font: Heal
Divine Sanctification: Can choose Holy Divine Skill: Nature
Favoured Weapon: Griffon Cane
Cleric Spells: 1st: Protector Tree, 3rd: Wall of Thorns, 5th: Nature's Pathway, 7th: Pollen Pods, 9th: Nature's Enmity
Boons & Curses
Minor BoonModerate Boon
Major Boon
Minor Curse
Moderate Curse
Major Curse
Divine Classification
Dragon Lord of Earth