Dragon Lord of Frost
The Dragon Lord of Frost, Frezlor is a massive wyvern dragon with light blue scales and icycle spikes running down its back. Known to all as a protector, many will pray to Frezlor for protection through winter storms. Sometimes, Frezlor may even answer, if it is nearby.
Divine Domains
Cold, Healing, Protection, Family, Travel
Tenets of Faith
Edicts Provide assistence for those in need, Guide those who are lost, Protect the defenceless from harm
Anathema Allow harm to come to the defenceless, Ignore the pleas of those in need
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability: ConstitutionDivine Font: Heal
Divine Sanctification: None
Divine Skill: Survival
Favoured Weapon: Dancer's Spear
Cleric Spells: 1st: Snowball; 3rd: Flashfreeze; 5th: Howling Blizzard; 9th: Iceberg
Boons & Curses
Minor BoonModerate Boon
Major Boon
Minor Curse
Moderate Curse
Major Curse
Divine Classification
Dragon Lord of Frost