Flamdrone, Dragon Lord of Flame

Thought to be amongst the most aggressive of the Dragon Lords, Flamdrone has been known to burn down villages and to chase prey for miles. However, it is also amongst the most misunderstood. It is highly territorial, that much is true. But what has been misunderstood about it is that she only attacks when provoked, and people's fear have pushed them to react to it in aggression, which only feeds into the cycle. Unless provoked, Flamdrone will leave people alone.   However, the same can not be said for other Dragon Lords. For example, Flamdrone has a legendary rivalry with Frezlor, Dragon Lord of Frost, who she will provoke a fight with any chance she gets.

Basic Information


A massive wyvern dragon with flame-shaped spikes running down its back.

Biological Traits

Colour Element-Flame

Ecology and Habitats

Flamdrone has made its territory among the peaks of Mount Hellfire in Almahna.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Flamdrone has been known to prey upon Elephancis and other large Mystimon.


Territorial and rash, Flamdrone is highly aggressive toward anyone who comes into its territory.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Long narrow snout filled with razor sharp teeth with dark eyes, and flame-shaped ridges along its eyebrows. Atop its head are flame-shaped horns extending back.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Flamdrone breathes a cone of flames burning hotter than a thousand degree, and with each flap of its wings it can create searing heat waves.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Flamdrone   As with all of the Dragon Lords, Frezlor is said to be an incarnation of nature itself and its wrath. Learn more The Dragon Lords and the Cataclysm.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Flamdrone has a legendary rivalry with Frezlor, Dragon Lord of Frost. However, where Frezlor and Flamdrone see eye to eye is on Krosin, Dragon Lord of Death, who is seen as an enemy for many of the Dragon Lords.
Unknown, Flamdrone along with all of the Dragon Lords is said to be an incarnation of the wrath of nature itself and so in theory never dies.
Average Physique
Massive wyvern dragon
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Crimson red scales.


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