
Some of the gentlest creatures in the sea, and loved and adored by many through out the world, Dolpheo are extremely friendly and intelligent creatures, very easy to train, easier even that Omae. They do not like to fight at all, and actually are quite playful. They are widely used as mounts through out the Quatrica Islands. Even when threatened, Dolpheo will take playful actions, such as spitting water in the face of enemies, which granted is more likely to piss off such foes. They are very social and intelligent, and strangely enough most shark Mystimon, such as Hammerox, will avoid them and will actually turn tail and run at the mere sight of them.

Basic Information


They are aquatic mammal creatures with a long slender gray body and a long narrow snout, and black eyes.

Ecology and Habitats

Found through out the world's oceans, mostly around the Quatrica Islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They love small fish.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dolpheos are highly social creatures, making many unique sounds and clicks to communicate with one another as well as with people.


Highly friendly and playful creatures, they are adored the world over and used in a variety of tricks and circus acts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Through out the world's oceans.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, even for a Mystimon.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have impressive sight and sense of smell, as well as an extrasensory ability to sense vibrations in the water.

Dolpheo Creature 1

Medium, Animal, Aquatic, Water
Perception +10
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Athletics +7
Str: +1, Dex: +3, Con: +1, Int: -4, Wis: +3, Cha: +1
AC: 15, Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +7
HP: 20; Resistances: Water 2, Weaknesses: Electrical 3
Speed: 30 ft Swim
Melee [1] Slam +5, Damage 1d6+2 Bludgeoning
Water Spit [1] (ranged, water) Dolpheo spits a stream of water at a target creature within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a Will save or become Dazzled.
Colours Water-Hydro
Scientific Name
50 years
Conservation Status
Protected by law in the Quatrica Islands, illegal to hunt under penalty of fines and jail time.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
grayish-white colouring.


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