
Charcharm's tail is highly sought after as a good luck charm, hence the name. For this reason, these tiny lizards have been hunted nearly to extinction. Though small, Charcharm can pack a pretty big wallop for its size, spitting out fireballs at a rapid rate in order to protect itself. But regardless of being powerful for its size, it's actually rather docile and skittish, and usually won't attack at all, resorting instead to running away from danger whenever possible. This probably is the result of being hunted down so much. Due to this, they are deathly afraid of people.
Though, despite all of this, it is one of the sweetest creatures around, once it gets past its fear.

Basic Information


A tiny lizard with red scaly skin, large bulgy blue eyes and four large feet with suction toes which it uses to climb just about any surface.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on small bugs.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Its tail is exploited as a luck charm.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Unknown. They are highly endangered.
Colours Element-Flame
Scientific Name
10 to 20 years
Conservation Status
Endangered, they've been hunted near to extinction for their tails, thought to be luck charms.
Average Length
Half a meter.

Mystimon Companion

  Str +2, Dex +3, Con +1, Int -4, Wis +1, Cha +1
HP 6; Weaknesses Water (Equal to half level rounded up) Resistances Fire (Equal to half level rounded up).   Speed 15 feet, 20 feet climb
[Melee] Jaws, Damage 1d4+2 piercing
[Ranged] Fire Spit (fire), Damage 1d4 fire

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